Nursing Home Villa Margherita: excellence in all fields, from human resources to technology.


From 1948 up to today to the service of the patient with dedication and professionalism

The Nursing Home Villa Margherita of Rome, is a reality of excellence in the national health scene, for almost 70 years present in the field of medicine, surgery and instrumental diagnostics. Since its foundation, it has immediately distinguished itself for the high quality, reliability and completeness of the services offered by professionals of recognized abilities, mostly coming from the university and hospital world.

Ing. Ciucci  you are the structure’s GM  What is your mission?

Our goal is to guarantee qualified diagnostic-therapeutic treatments, delivered with a not strictly hospital approach, guaranteeing the patient quick access to the structure and high-level performance, but also allowing doctors to work in a positive environment, with appropriate and technologically advanced tools. The principles underlying our company philosophy can be summarized as follows: immense passion for the profession, effectiveness and efficiency in the provision of health services, safeguarding the doctor-patient relationship, “patient centrality”.

What services can you use at your center?

Our vocation is fundamentally medical-surgical. Over time, while preserving the most classic aspects of interventional activity, we have introduced innovative methods in the field of laparoscopic minimally invasive surgery. A historical excellence of Villa Margherita, in addition to diagnostic laboratories, is the section of obstetrics and gynecology, today traditional reference to Rome for all women.


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by Roberta Imbimbo

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